She ended her entreaty to Karna with these words – “The words ‘son of a suta’ will no longer be used for you. On hearing of Karna's death, Kunti reached his dead body to mourn over it. He acceded to Kunti’s request, her real request, not the one that she told Karna about though. When King Yudhisthira heard his mother's words of consolation, he could not contain his anger and grief. He was informed of this by Lord Krishna and my mother. One secret, an earth-shaking secret, kept by his own mother who was a virtual goddess to him, was the cause of this war, the death of thousands of soldiers, and scores of brave warriors on either side. He wished to destroy that power at its genesis. It is beyond any doubt that had Indra, father of Karna's sworn enemy, Arjuna, not interfered in the matter, Arjuna would have never been able to beat Karna. Unfortunately, each of these curses became operational at the same crucial moment in the Kurukshetra war, later making him weaponless, left without a chariot and helpless. Taking pity on the girl, Karna took the soil mixed with ghee in his fist and squeezed it with all his might to extract the ghee and pour it back into the pot. You have the free will to choose between Dharma and Adharma and your own conscience is your guide. Here is one question. And Adhiratha is not your father.” She then asked him to leave Duryodhana and come join the Pandavas. Krishna told Arjuna that Karna has no right to refer to the rules at this point, after having violated the same himself while killing Abhimanyu. Karna’s Parentage Karna, who is the Pandavas ’ half-brother, but fights on the Kaurava side, is one of the most fascinating characters in the Mahabharata. I confess I do not know the answer to that one. Reflecting over the death of so many kinsmen, the King could not be pacified. O son of Pandu, after defeating the sinful Duryodhana, are you not happy? She would acknowledge Karna as his son publicly only after his death. PART 1: KARNA’S DEATH. By good luck, you have escaped this great slaughter of men. Tell me. I have, unknowingly, caused him to be slain. It was an insult to Arjuna who beheaded him. He was a leader of leaders of rathas. Karna died at the hands of his own brothers. In accordance with the ancient tradition that one must learn any art form only under a guru, Karna decided to make Surya his teacher. Karna (Sanskrit: कर्ण, IAST: Karṇa), also known as Vasusena, Anga-raja, and Radheya, is one of the major characters of the Hindu epic Mahābhārata. Besides, Parashuram went on further to explain the reasons for him cursing his own disciple. That Karna did not go over to the Pandava camp was certainly a setback, but the second meeting in particular did yield dividends. “Karna has always been against the Pandavas and I am now tormented by that. Such was the dedication of this man that he gathered information about various ayudhas (weapons) during the day and then after sundown, he practiced them. He was brave. Here is a third question – why did Kunti finally break her silence when she did? 6. He was like the sun in his radiance.”. When she tries to tell the truth about him to the Pandavas, Karna stops her. The same Indra later exploited Karna's generosity and took away the the Kavacha (body armour) and Kundana (ear rings) that virtually made Karna invincible. He always seemed to resemble our mother in many ways. You have given me that pledge and you must discharge that promise.”. A day ago, the episode showcased the death of Pankaj Dheer's character Karna, the … Karna-Upanivada Parva (an upa-Parva in Udyoga Parva) describes both these meetings, and captures brilliantly the complexity of human relations and emotions at work. He was born with blessings of Lord Surya before Kunti was wedded, so Kunti did not raised him. It was Karna’s tragedy he chose Adharma to return Duryodhana’s generosity. Karna did not forget his promise to his mother, and spared the lives of the four Pandavas during the course of the war. Lord Krishna had praised Karna on several occasions. With a single arrow, Yudhamanyu cut off the head of the powerful Chitrasena. Despite the excruciating pain, Karna did not move. On the seventeenth day, the much anticipated contest between Arjuna and Karna took place. After the episode was aired, fans took to social media to share their emotional messages for Karna Aka Pankaj Dheer's death scene from Mahabharat. Would that not have stopped the war? I tried previously to inform Karna of his relationship with you. During that year, O king, was begotten upon her by the illustrious Dhritarashtra a son endued with great intelligence who was afterwards named Yuvutsu. Curiously, where Duryodhana was greedy like his father, Karna was … Mild as he was, he discovered in his human depths the revolt human nature is capable of. He was regarded by the whole world to be the son of Radha, but in actuality, he was my mother's eldest son. On the Auspicious Occasion of Gita Jayanti, The four MahaVakyas of the Upanishads in English, Being human is the first step toward spirituality: Micro-poems in Hindi, Uncovering Morality through the Mahabharata - Part 1, ON ARJUNA VISHAADA YOGA: THE FIRST CHAPTER OF BHAGAVAD GITA. Many will be inclined to think so. Kunti, the mother who had abandoned her first-born son and Karna, the son who could not bring himself to abandon the friend who gave him a kingdom. Having offered water unto all the deceased friends and relatives, the Pandavas continued to live on the banks of the Ganges for the period of one month. Yudhisthira said, “It was after the slaughter of all these men that I came to know that Karna was my brother. Kunti, the mother who had abandoned her first-born son and Karna, the son who could not bring himself to abandon the friend who gave him a kingdom. It is believed that on the night before his death, Karna's guru, Parashuram appeared to him in his dreams. Abhinav Agarwal is a son, husband, father, technologist and an IIM-B Gold Medalist. I have thought, but no satisfactory answers come to mind. Bhishma and Kripa are advanced souls living in a spiritual atmosphere. Kunti started thinking of the looming battle, and her mind naturally went to the warriors in the Kaurava army, who would pose the biggest threat to her sons – her five sons. Don't do this in initial five years of marriage. 2) Smt. One way of ensuring their safety was to turn Karna over to the side of the Pandavas. In the midst of the formations, the lord was as radiant as the sun. Why was my elder brother cursed? There was no one on earth who was his equal in valour. Read Also | Mahabharat Written Update May 10 And 11: Arjun Kills Karna On The Battlefield He was your eldest brother, born from the sun god. He instantly cursed all womanhood with a total inability to withhold ANY secret whatsoever. Yudhamanyu chased after him and challenged him to battle. At that time the great sage Narada visited the King and wondered about Yudhisthira’s state of mind. All were shocked to learn the fact they committed fratricide. 3. He would also have guessed that Kunti would be the next to come and meet him, and the reason behind such a visit. During the gambling match, even though provoked by Karna's words, I became pacified by his sight. Why did she ever keep it a secret? He did, however, agree not to take our lives. Mahabharata 143 The fall of Bheeshma affects Karna. How did she come by the POWER to withhold such a secret whose might was equal to the 18 day war? The grief over the death of so many near and dear ones was compounded by the knowledge that they had ended up killing even one of their brothers – their eldest brother. Vrushali went sati on Karna's pyre after his death. What can I do for you?”, Kunti, touched to the quick, told Karna the truth of his birth – “You are the son of Kunti, not of Radha. Surya however assured Kunti that even after being blessed with a son, she would still remain a virgin and would not have to suffer any opprobrium. He possessed earrings and armour. She could not claim him back. 3/28. Kunti broke down and said this in a soft voice – [bold emphasis mine], “There was a brave and great archer. He could not abandon them. It happened after the war was over, and when Yudhishthira, Dhritarashtra, and others went to the Ganga to offer oblations to those killed in the war. Take a look at netizens who have reacted to Karna's death. It focused first on what Karna had lost through Kunti abandoning him after birth – “By casting me out, you have destroyed the fame and renown that I could have possessed. “Neither Arjuna nor Bhima nor the twins knew him to be our eldest brother. It remains in the realm of conjecture; a fascinating conjecture like so many other incidents in the Mahabharata. She would acknowledge Karna as his son publicly only after his death. Karna was hampered when his chariot wheel sank into the ground in loose wet soil (Bhoomi Devi's curse thus came into effect). Thus, Arjuna fatally injured Karna using a divine arrow. Kunti got scared and wanted the Sun God to go away, but he pleaded his helplessness against the power of mantra. But Krishna saved Arjuna. Had he known it earlier, Yudhisthira said, there would have been no war. Krishna had made one last attempt at averting the war. The Mahabharata war lasted eighteen days, and it was every bit as ugly as the vision of Arjuna, every bit as ugly as any war has ever been. After the war was over, Kunti disclosed the identity of Karna. He chose to abandon Narayana, who had come to him. Or did he believe that Kunti had come to Karna not out of love for him, but more out of concern for her five sons? He went to Dhronacharya, who was in-charge of training the princes of Hastinapur,. This is recounted in the Jala-pradanika Parva (which, at 24 shlokas is the second shortest Parva in the Mahabharata). victory to be defeat. Moreover, he was someone who gave away his armour, knowing that he shall invite death. In a way, Karna sealed the fate of the war through what was possibly his last act of charity. Yudhisthira, an embodiment of Truth, was outraged at the magnitude of that power and was scandalised by the way it was used. Enraged, the Brahmin cursed Karna that as he had killed a helpless animal, he too would be killed when he was the most helpless, when his concentration was diverted from his enemy. Possibly, this is the reason, because Karna instead made the promise to Kunti of not killing four of her sons. Karna's final meeting with Bheeshma. Disciples like Gangaputra Bhishma and Dhronacharya had made Parashuram proud earlier and Karna longed to make this great saint, his tutor. As a friend said, it is a Aam Admi view of epics . Pandu was cursed to die if he attempted to have a child. Dejected at being cursed by his own Guru, Karna is said to have wandered in the forests. Duryodhana also mentions that Vrushali was not an ordinary person but of a very high character equivalent to Karna. Such people can know anything they choose to know. O Narada, Yudhisthira replied, indeed, I have conquered the whole earth relying on the grace of Krishna, the blessings of the brahmanas and the strength of Bhima and Arjuna. 10 Bhagavad Gita Shlokas which changed my life! They become successful in life and conscience keepers of friends. What will Subhadra say to me? Staying at the front, he fought against all of you and your followers. The Pandavas who were passing by were wondering why their mother subjected herself to such an indignity. Probably he also wanted to die in the very same battlefield that also claimed his friend. Once Karna was killed, Duryodhana lost all the will to fight. The story is that Kunti, while still very young, had occasion to serve Rishi (sage) Durvasa.She looked after him with great dedication. … Kamala Subramaniam mentions those incidents, which, if traced to some authentic version, could go to prove that Duryodhana found out about Karna after Karna's death. Perform the water-rites for him. He feels afraid, runs to meet the god-like great man, lying on his death bed, with his eyes closed! Arjuna's reaction after The "unfair" death of Drona. I tried to persuade him to give up his enmity. He soon realized that Karna was a not a Brahmin as no one in the priestly class could bear the gruesome pain for such a long time. In a bid to fulfill his dream of being among the best fighters of his generation, Karna decided to approach Parashuram. He was born of the union of the Sun god and my mother Kunti. But, she had felt helpless then. While he regretted cursing Karna in a moment of anger, Parashuram's curse was irrevocable. You will be a valiant Partha.”. A depressed Kunti tends to an injured Karna, which surprises Arjun. Can secularism meet its end in India, that is Bharat? When Yudhishthir Cursed His Own Mother...Kunti! Kunti’s emotional blackmail to Karna. Krishna came to him and in the course of his conversation informed him of his birth to Kunti and Surya. But, towards the end of his exchange with Kunti, Karna could not refuse his mother. So he approached Kunti and ask her to emotionally blackmail Karna. Karna had been abandoned by Kunti years ago, given a name and identify by his foster parents, and a place in society by Duryodhana. Also he defeated the twins, Nakul and Sahadev but didn't kill them as he had promised Kunti that he would not kill any of the Pandavas except for Arjuna. Lord Krishna told Arjuna that if he did not kill Karna at this critical juncture of the war, he might never be able to kill him and the Pandavas may never win the war. He too felt thwarted. Lamenting the death of Abhimanyu and the sons of Draupadi, I feel Karna then asked Kunti “How can I abandon them?” “Them” referred to the Kauravas. The great war of the Bharatas destroyed all the promise in the world and all the best hope. Why have you come here? Today the royal son of Kunti, upon the slaughter of the Suta's son by me, shall be gratified and be of cheerful heart and obtain happiness for ever. After Ramayan on Doordarshan, BR Chopra's Mahabharat is coming to an end. He did not retreat from a battle. He was brave. He was marked with the auspicious signs of a hero and was killed by Arjuna in the battle. He, being the eldest and most deserving, had to live his life in obscurity. Parashuram accepted him and trained him to such a point, that he declared Karna to be equal to himself in the art of warfare and archery. I will meet him, tell him the truth and seek to obtain his favours.”, Karna by this time knew about the truth of his birth. They are … Karna’s remonstration with Kunti was different. Though the three curses and interventions from Indra and Kunti led to his death on the battlefield, Karna achieved the feat of immortality as foretold by Parashuram. Parashuram said that if Karna would not die then the Kauravas would have won the battle and the Earth would be ruled by Duryodhana. Many great sages and rishis came to see King Yudhisthira and offer him some consolation. Drona after listening to the lies from Yudhisthira abandoned his weapons and started to do Yoga and fixed his heart to Supreme God as per Veda Vyas. : Destiny plays many a game with Karna in the epic Mahabharata. I tried to persuade him otherwise, but he would not agree. The second meeting Karna had was with Kunti. Perhaps, she did not want to claim him, at least not before the war. You thought of him as the son of a suta and as Radheya. Filled with simultaneous anger and grief with rage and began to shed tears by. Eventually came to comfort the King could not be pacified marriage out of an ‘accidental contact’ with the constantly. Was wedded, so did Narada, why has the earth would be the next to come meet... 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