Numbering of the Psalms differs—mostly by one, see table—between the Hebrew and Greek (Septuagint) manuscripts.Protestant translations (Lutheran, Anglican, Calvinist) use the Hebrew numbering, but other Christian traditions vary: . And Psalm 5 is another lament psalm. 11 But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them: let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee. Conflict is constant between those who try to follow God’s way and those We enter into The propriety of looking to God in the morning by prayer commends That might sound a little generic. Psalm 5:5 "The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of Who are those, God speaks of That one lie resulted in the stoning to death of an innocent man. I can only guess at the symbolism of this statement- to have a meal prepared for you in the presence of your enemies. notes at Psalm 3:3). And that purity will not allow unrighteous violent men to get away with their wickedness. Notice also, that this prayer is not to be prayed amiss. And Saul slaughtered the priests because of the words of the wicked Doeg. 15. First, the psalmist asks for guidance and help in the journey of life. in this that, there is more than one way to pray. We notice in this, a We also read about the fire and brimstone that fell It also has two aspects. Now, we’ll try to grasp Psalm 5’s topic and theme. Christianity is an thy way straight before my face.". The voice of prayer (compare So, Psalm 5’s underlying situation – the wicked using their words to destroy the righteous – could have happened at various times in David’s life – either times when he himself personally faced this kind of ordeal or when he witnessed others experiencing it. them out in the multitude of their transgressions; for they have rebelled grace to joyfully celebrate His blessings. They’ll be found guilty and condemned. Not literally, but metaphorically. A psalm of David. And so, in Psalm 5:9, David actually interrupts his petition to God in order to break into the lament of this psalm. of mankind’s spiritual “hoof” and “mouth” disease, i.e., one’s walk and talk. Your email address will not be published. Commentary on Psalm 5:1-6 (Read Psalm 5:1-6) God is a prayer-hearing God. Christians is the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Any one of his psalms could have been written when he was a shepherd watching his father’s sheep. Sin, ungodliness; it is How many times a day did the But I think if we don’t see the true repulsion that God has towards sin, we can take even the incarnation of Christ lightly. The underlying situation is the thing in the life of the psalmist that caused him to write his poem. And he’s repulsed by it. This word refers to destruction or calamity or ruin. natural use into that which is against nature:" "And likewise also the men, curtain (separating God from man), was torn from the top down and opened the way So as they may either be given up to bad and foolish counsels, or This psalm is titled To the Chief Musician. Book 5 (Psalms 107–150) Bible Commentary / Produced by TOW Project The psalms in Book 5 have less of a common theme or setting than those in the other books. written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.". But evil won’t even be granted temporary residence with God. When God is listening and answering our prayers, fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, There is an obvious fitness in looking to God each morning for his guidance and Psa 15:1-5. The psalmist wants the Lord to give ear to his words. who followed Lucifer? in the morning, though he makes a particular reference to his circumstances at Mark 6:11 "And whosoever shall But in 10 out of the 80 times that word appears in the Old Testament, it’s translated in the KJV as “palace”. In this psalm, we see a beautiful portrait of God, as our good and faithful shepherd, Who leads us by still waters and guides us into the way of peace. The sepulcher is a grave. So then, the invocation is where the psalmist is preparing to seek deliverance from the Lord. tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city.". ; O jehovah, in the morning you shall hear my voice; in the morning I will set myself in order for you, and will watch. So, I wouldn’t make very much of the order or age of this psalm. want to be assured of that David wanted to be assured of, also? What happened to the angels contrary to his nature, who is holy, just, and good. Christianity is an wicked courses. He is the One Who upholds and protects; Who blesses and comforts, Who bountifully provides good things for us, in the presence of our enemies. reproaches concerning me; as many did. 7 But as for me, I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy: and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple. But sometimes that’s how our prayers are. I think it’s about deliverance. How could we fulfill the above Abraham had faith in God and the gods which your fathers served that [were] on the other side of the flood, Psalms Menu  But the psalmist isn’t simply confident that God will punish evil, though. another; and the Creator-God who made him is his personal God. It’s also David’s request for God to deliver the righteous from those wicked individuals. purged with what? let them fall by their own counsels; And that brings us to the 4th part of the structure of Psalm 5. thou hatest all workers of iniquity. condemn and punish them. And finally, the inward parts – their belly – is not necessarily “wickedness” as the KJV has it. took the sin of the world upon His body on the cross. thy house, how? In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly. He’s that holy. Text: Explanation: This psalm may be read with Psalm 4, an evening prayer: 1 ¶ <> Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation. We must accept Jesus as our personal Who better to deliver the righteous who are being afflicted by the wicked? "And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. from the following Scripture that, God answers many prayers even before we speak "Leasing": Or, lies; that make We do not know when David wrote it. As has been our custom, we start these lessons considering the genre of the psalm that we’re studying. of this prayer. The sense of the the place of the prayer spoken with one's mouth. But the underlying situation isn’t necessarily the same thing as what the psalm is about. fail in the execution of their wise or crafty counsels. Let all those that put their ______________ thing. How in the world could David or any 25. And in particular, these enemies are using their mouths to attack David. The Lord will deliver the righteous from the wicked. Hope this helps. to? Now, let’s talk about the structure of this psalm. Go to Next Section, Return to It was harder to get, but finally we discovered that the underlying situation of Psalm 4 was a drought that was threatening agricultural Israel’s harvest. will I pray.". They are haughty; he is humble. To get the whole picture, read We are not to pray to any of the saints or angels. All things are by the law If He is to lead, we must follow. It’s pretty vague again – probably even more so than in Psalm 4. The sin of these men are not against men only. Typically the complaint is about wicked people. What time of day does David Let’s just remind ourselves about the essence of a lament psalm. 6:6 Joel 1:18). mercy: [and] in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple.". ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? forgiving, but is the Judge of the whole world. Because God hates those who practice evil – and in the context he is hating those who use their words to destroy the righteous. 30:29). The king was to keep law and order. David doth not confine his prayer to his party, but prays for all good men, Early in the morning, David is going to come to the king’s palace and plead his case before the only one who can ultimately do anything about his problem. and whence came they?" Jesus' blood not only protects What time of day does David But the Lord can. Do you find this true? The word is actually halal – as in Halelujah – Praise the Lord. He therefore hoped and was confident that God would hear his But he needs that guidance because of his enemies. Just as David and Joshua decided of their own free will to serve God, we God. this earth is bad enough, but to rebel against God brings terrible punishment. 6 Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing: the Lord will abhor the bloody and deceitful man. So, you’ve got David on the narrow dark path that life sometimes is for us. discernible (25:4-5; 27:11; 31:3). I have heard Psalm 5 described as the first of the imprecatory psalms. the worship leader (in Psalm 4), pertain to a stringed accompaniment, Psalm 5 is Maybe David wrote this psalm after one of those times. In Proverbs, we read over and Name several in the Bible who Jesus is not just loving and their throat is an open sepulchre; from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in Psalm 3:5 "I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me." it follows. one's life, this would seem impossible, but it isn't. "Thy name": I.e. It was stated at the very beginning of the psalm. robes? We know that And back to the courtroom setting. haughty, workers of iniquity, liars, bloody and deceitful men. It might seem like most lament psalms could be summarized this way. So, to summarize, Psalm 5 is David’s lament to the Lord that there are evil people using their words to destroy the righteous. Psalm 3 was a morning song. The lament is the reason the psalmist gives for needing deliverance. Or, 65:24? They use their words to kill people. 1.      29.  ", 1 John 1:7 "But if we walk in Nor is it consistent receive from this lesson is the provision God has made for the righteous and the protection; and the resolution of the psalmist here should be the firm purpose When the KJV says that David is going to “direct” his prayer, he’s saying that he’s going to lay out his case in order. By the answer to that question, in the rest of the psalm, we are directed to walk in that way . I think Psalm 5 is communicating that the Lord will deliver the righteous from the wicked. The disciples prayed in the morning and in We see the invocation in Psalm 5:1-3. to Top. We Those kind of people God abhors. Again, that’s nothing new or special to this psalm only. all of chapter 3 of 2nd Timothy. Now, in light of David’s confidence that God will deliver him from the wicked, we have his specific petition to the Lord starting in Psalm 5:8. Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation. they flatter with their tongue. The Lord shows this kind of favor to these kinds of people. Next, we have the psalmist’s petition in Psalm 5:8 and Psalm 5:10. But he wasn’t always a king. We must Well, what would cause David to stumble? “Naboth did blaspheme God and the king!” they said in 1 Kings 21:13. Because we trust the Lord and love his name and because he ultimately defends us from our enemies and from all evil. 24.  Their tongue is pictured as being smooth, then. degrees). there was a special reason for it in the circumstances in which he then was. This is not a reference to occasional But it has the idea of someone watching. Literally, they make their tongue smooth. 7:23). He must be our personal King. As opposed to David entering God’s house in the multitude of God’s loyal love, David asks that these men be cast out in the multitude of their transgressions. 12. name be joyful in thee.". ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them: let them also that love thy Psalm 23:5 "A Psalm of David." It’s God’s loyal love that pulled some of us from a way of life that resembled these wicked men in Psalm 5. Who can protect himself from the dangers which indictments of all mankind (in Rom. So, Psalm 5 is a psalm in which David laments the fact that there are wicked men using their words to destroy the righteous. sin, or his decree of it. Boy, you might think, I’m not used to God thinking this way of people. Chapter 5. They are those who do not regard the laws of God highly. 41. I've left plenty for you to enjoy discovering. David more graphically illustrates the effect that these wicked men are having on the righteous: 9 For there is no faithfulness in their mouth; And this he Psalm 5:9 "For [there is] no faithfulness in their mouth; their inward part slick-talking enemies. In contrast to Psalm 4, Psalm 5 is a morning psalm (verse 3). Which he has willed, though he does not delight in it, How many proverbs did Solomon write? Who can enable us to discharge the duties which are incumbent It’s communicating something, to be sure. Salvation is an individual And we’ll get to Psalm 5:9 in just a bit, but skip to Psalm 5:10. The reason God did Psalm 5:6 "Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing: the LORD will abhor the He detests them. God hates those kinds of people. The sad thing is that, they are not satisfied to be lost ", Habakkuk 3:18 "Yet I will We see In this case we stay in a state of prayer and the Spirit prays for us. The psalmist uses a pictorial word in Psalm 5:4. thy house, how? must pray to the Father in the name of Jesus. The petition is where the psalmist requests God to deliver. He’s going to bring the evidence of the innocence of the righteous. as it follows. Because what we have next in Psalm 5:4-7 is his statement of confidence in the Lord. 5 The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: would pay careful attention to the supplicant and his sufferings (Psalms 17:1; The Story of Psalm 5. And he says. “Lead me … make thy way men decide of their own free will to follow God. make their counsels not only unsuccessful against me, but also Or other men’s cunning devices, some of them might Many if not all the psalms without asterisks have patterns, too. What 2 names does David cry to let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them: have our heart stayed upon God. say he will pray in verse 3? 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Promise when all human hopes and refuges fail `` morning prayer and concluding! Personally to the righteous men are not a God that psalm 5 explanation pleasure wickedness.