Finally, to acknowledge the hardships caused by the quarantine, I provided additional opportunities for extra credit. Identify the theory or idea the material is advancing. Many of these are adapted from Todd Finley’s 53 ways to check for students’ understanding of course material. Essentially, flexible teaching is accommodating of this curiosity, allowing lessons to have a much looser structure, letting discussions and thoughts play out and following them to see where they go. Students who are face-to-face may rotate by day of the week to give on-campus students equal opportunity to attend class. Technology & Flexible Teaching Strategies Planning for a Flexible Fall - Upcoming CNS Workshops In addition to the Flex Forward portal , the CTL's Flexible Course (Re)Design Modules , IDEAS Workshops and Webinars , and the Library Resources for Remote Instruction , these workshops have been developed to help support the needs of CNS faculty, grad students and TAs. A Flexible Teaching Model: A Seamless Pivot from Face-to-Face to Online Teaching August 24, 2020 Julie Sochacki, JD When I envision teaching this … I found that decreasing the workload — but not my expectations for the quality of the work — reduced students’ stress levels, made the course more manageable, and motivated them to do high quality work. Create a media literacy challenge for your course subject. The consensus was that flexible learning provides opportunities for teachers to better meet the needs of adult learners with diverse backgrounds at different stages of learning. Students can benefit from your presence, enthusiasm, and engagement through direct instruction. Introduce a new topic by walking through its sequenced components and methods. This is particularly important for challenging reading material or presentations. Five tips for flexible teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic During initial course preparation, create online quizzes and assignments. Inquiry is particularly effective when students can share their plans with other students for discussion and feedback. My “reading check” quizzes are done either through textbook software (e.g., Macmillan’s Launchpad) or learning management systems (e.g., Moodle), and are short (5-10 questions), relatively easy, and reward students for reading before class. The challenge is to help students care about, engage with, and question course content in productive ways. Help make them relevant to personal, social, or community issues in addition to course learning outcomes. contributed by Jessica Hockett, PhD., and Kristina Doubet, PhD. To decrease the likelihood of collaboration with other students, I used Moodle to administer random questions from a larger item pool using categories (e.g., two of four neuron questions, three of eight brain damage questions) and also shuffled both the questions and answers. Malcolm Knowles , a pioneer in adult education, popularized the concept of five teaching strategies for adults, which states that students learn best when: Deliver or record your presentations in 15 minute “chapters” interspersed with activities. Students formulate new knowledge by associating it with and refining existing knowledge. Sending many more reminder emails: after having students miss deadlines and exams (even those listed on Moodle before the pandemic), I sent email reminders before each class day. Newsletter Blog About Us Join the Club For $1! What are the symptoms of OCD? Have students formulate a question that takes them into their environment to document evidence (social, environmental, aesthetic, political). I emphasized that they should study as hard as they did for in-class exams, but use their cheatsheets to organize their studying and as a “safety net” if they couldn’t remember a concept. Use these seven strategies to become more flexible at work. Full-service remote support is available to all PSU instructors through the Office of Academic Innovation. (2020, May 27). Flexible Thinking and Math. Ideally these steps will be learned in the same sequence in which they will be performed. Other activities might be asynchronous, like readings and homework assignments. 10 Innovative Learning Strategies For Modern Pedagogy. Professor of the Year award. Effective teachers use a variety of strategies and a range of methods, and they change and refine these over time. Differentiated instruction. 53 ways to check for students’ understanding of course material, Lecture-Based Pedagogy and the Pitfalls of Expertise, Peer Instruction for Active Learning – Eric Mazur, Bozeman Science (introductory science) resources, Google Arts and Culture (includes maps of museums to digitally explore), Carleton University Cooperative Learning Activity Library, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Traci Giuliano (BA, psychology, University of Texas; MA, PhD, social psychology, UCLA) is a professor of psychology at Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas. Are you wondering how to develop flexible thinking in children? Have students post “One thing I understood well” and “One thing that’s still unclear” on a discussion forum, and then pick one student’s post where they can help on the topic. Have students write/revise interview questions for a subject matter expert in the community. Use these seven strategies to become more flexible at work. Explain abstract content with practical examples or case studies. They do not teach the same way and use the same instructional repertoire year after year. My courses already include reading quizzes and written assignments that are submitted and graded completely online, which makes the transition to online teaching easier. What is flexible learning? TLS' Assessment Tools table matches the purpose of an assessment strategy with appropriate tools for online implementation. Address grading anxiety by making peer work either low-stakes or let each student produce an artifact for assessment, not just a group grade. This can also be an oral history interview. Summarize the author / presenter’s position or objective. By the end of the day, participants discovered that flexible learning strategies provide pedagogical and logistical flexibility. Then identify an opposite theory and how that framework presents a different perspective. Flexible thinking is a key skill in math. The degree of obsessions and compulsions experienced varies among different sufferers. The Flexible Teacher. Drawing upon the K-12 flexible grouping literature, we have modified traditional K-12 flexible grouping strategies to increase their effectiveness with adult learners. Flexible Physical Space After the renovations, the sixth grade learning communities will have a flexibility that didn’t exist in the prior layout. Five tips for flexible teaching during... © 2020 American Psychological Association. Define flexible learning in your context. Critique a variety of examples of existing flexible learning and teaching options. Description: A course with fewer than 50 students that meets face-to-face and includes some percentage of students participating remotely during the same synchronous session.Classes are recorded for asynchronous learners. In introductory psychology, “Personal Connections” require students to participate in an activity (e.g., related to time management, mindfulness, validation, relationships) and apply concepts from the course in a 700-word reflection; students report finding these interesting, useful and fun. Currently, her research examines factors related to faculty-undergraduate publication. List the three most interesting, controversial, or resonant ideas you found in the material and record/write a short rationale for your selection. Focus on introducing, roadmapping, sparking curiosity, and integrating new material with previous topics and course activities. If we have to shift to online teaching, lighten the students’ workload. Teachers and students can still configure the space to work in an environment similar to a traditional classroom if that is what is best for teaching and learning. In a traditional course, some activities are synchronous, like listening to lectures or participating in discussions, labs and small group work. Students need a clear understanding of the purpose of paired or group work. In introductory psychology, students could earn points for a “Top 10” list of the most useful theories or concepts in psychology, along with a brief explanation and personal example. Differentiated instruction is a popular and effective teaching strategy that … A broad term used to describe the design and delivery of programs, courses, and learning interventions in such a way as to cater for student demands for variety, access, recognition of diverse learning styles, and student control over and customizability of the learning experience. Present recorded field work, subject-expert interviews, or sample project work. What are its assumptions/preconceptions? Suggested Guidelines Students need a clear understanding of the purpose of paired or group work. Although my strategy doesn’t prevent cheating entirely (e.g., a student could have consulted sources beyond their cheatsheet), I do think it lowered the incentive to cheat. Problem-, case-, or project-based activities that can be divided into clearly defined contribution roles and then workshopped/presented as a group. Her favorite part of being a professor is mentoring undergraduates through the research process. Our goal is to reach the remaining and most vulnerable 5% of children with no access to education in the region and support quality improvements in learning for every child. Note: Explore the wide range of available media and Open Educational Resources. This strategy worked well: exam scores were only slightly higher (3-4 points out of 100) and students reported feeling less stress. It goes without saying that sharing knowledge in the form of reading, videos, podcasts, simulations, lab demos, etc. Help them learn how to switch gears quickly and find new solutions to problems when circumstances change without warning. Advancing psychology to benefit society and improve lives. Expand all / Collapse all. In short, moving to online teaching doesn’t have to mean dramatic adjustments; even small changes can have a meaningful and significant impact on students’ well being without sacrificing course standards. The students’ work will generate questions, making them want the explanations you present afterwards. They often feel more comfortable asking questions and can gain deeper knowledge by explaining concepts. Having students interact with one or more peers can build community, increase engagement, and … Help your students develop good writing skills by implementing the six traits of … Here are some examples of what you might include in these recordings: Demonstrate a procedure, project, or method of reasoning, Showcase examples of the kind of work you want students to produce. Inquiry learning is question-based rather than thesis-based. Written assignments require application of the course material to students’ lives. It can make students anxious or irritated, but is very effective when students feel that it’s relevant and useful. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly . Collaborative written reports where each student in a group contributes one topic. This is an excerpt from a report, produced by The Open University in collaboration with SRI International, that proposes ten innovations that are already in currency but have not yet had a profound influence on education. In social psychology, students post blogs throughout the semester, including weekly “Personal Experience” blogs (illustrating a concept with a detailed personal example), a “Participant Observer” blog (applying course concepts to a one-day experience changing a personality trait or engaging in gratitude), and a “Tradebook” blog (reviewing a popular book written by a social psychologist). Obsessive compulsive disorder is a debilitating condition in some people. You can assign roles or have students change roles to make sure all voices are heard. Whether in person, online or remote, flexible teaching strategies allow synchronous activities to become asynchronous while still remaining engaging and interactive. Flexible Teaching Strategies. Flexible grouping is a data-driven teaching practice.It puts students into temporary groups to work together for only as long as is needed for them to develop an identified skill or to complete a … While adapting your face-to-face courses to a remote, web, or mixed mode learning environment (synchronous or asynchronous), please bear in mind the following suggestions. A student may determine that 7 + 6 is 13 because double 6 is 12 (or double 7 is 14) and 7 + 6 is 1 more (or 1 less than double 7). Write three substantive questions related to the content and share them with the class. Spend time fostering good questions and projects. Field-based experiential inquiry lets students connect their work to a community rather than abstract values. This essay on Teaching and Grouping Strategies in the Classroom was written and submitted by your fellow student. In both my intro and social psych courses, I allowed students to drop an extra reading quiz and an extra written assignment (e.g., in introductory psychology, they were responsible for four rather than five of seven “Personal Connections”). Make sure you have a good benchmark understanding of what your students know, so you can give them appropriate challenges. Feedback from students suggested that two strategies were particularly helpful: I’m known on campus as a rigorous instructor, and I stand by my tough-but-fair in-class exams that require both encoding and application of course concepts. It can make students anxious or irritated,... Interactions in class are often skewed toward more confident students. Explore principles and processes of flexible learning and teaching. Motivate students by displaying enthusiasm for and showing the relevance of the material to real-world applications and students’ current and future lives. by TeachThought Staff. Being … Groups and group work are woven into the fabric of many classrooms. Give them resources and guidelines instead of step-by-step directions. This can be done via Zoom or video recordings. The learning and teaching strategies listed below aim to help you on this path to creating active learning, presence, and engagement in your remote or flexible course. 2. Leila Christenbury. During course preparation, it would be helpful to have these changes already in mind. She’s been a member of the faculty since 1994, and still considers Southwestern her dream job. Interactions in class are often skewed toward more confident students. Grade each contribution individually to reduce anxiety. Show students a solved challenge and then give them a new, partially-solved problem to complete individually or in groups. To have the most impact, consider the sequence of your instruction in relation to students’ experience and prior knowledge. Inquiry is most effective when students have a degree of control over their work. Flexible teaching and learning involves delivery in a number of forms. Peer-to-peer learning is very flexible — it can take place both synchronously and asynchronously. Viewing flexible learning through the lens of the following six pedological ideas - learner empowerment, future-facing education, decolonizing education, transformative capabilities, crossing boundaries, and social learning - can help instructors in the transition towards a more flexible learning experience, one that is co-created with students. How To Use Flexible Grouping In The Classroom. Teaching in times of disruption can be challenging because you need to rethink how you teach on short notice while supporting student learning, but it also is an exciting opportunity to think creatively about your most essential course objectives and … Although these strategies were developed for introductory and social psychology courses (see Syllabi for APA Teacher Network article) at a small liberal arts college, they could be adapted to a variety of courses and institutions. Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. The motivations to learn evolve as you become older; and for an adult educator, teaching can be even more difficult without a basic understanding of adult learning theory. Keep Teaching: Strategies and Considerations. 5. Investigate multiple dimensions of flexible learning. This article was last updated on Nov 12, 2020 @ 3:42 pm. Six Traits of Writing. This provides a realistic experience of workplace constraints and collaboration. This is an “authentic” exercise since workplace writing is often team-produced. COVID-19 resources for psychologists, health-care workers and the public. However, given academic dishonesty concerns surrounding online exams, I wanted to “level the playing field” as much as possible. What are the most effective teaching methods for working with students who have OCD? The Flexible Learning Strategies for Out of School Children programme is a UNESCO initiative with the aim of supporting inclusive and quality education for every child in the region. Contact the virtual Faculty Support Desk, Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm. Use this list as a guide to set your learning goals for this topic. Although these changes were small, student feedback indicated that they were greatly appreciated and made a significant improvement in their morale. Discovery generates better learning retention, particularly when assisted by timely guidance (Halpern & Hakel 2003). You can read the full report, with in-depth explanations and examples of each learning … Structure a group project or experiment where each student suggests strategies, and have the group vote on the approach(es) taken. General Recommendations Anticipate varying degrees of internet access and consistency for yourself and for your students. Having survived the Spring 2020 adaptation to online teaching with little warning, I’ve developed five strategies that could help make a similar transition more successful should it become necessary in the future. Give students inquiry / research projects before presenting a full explanatory framework. Inquiry-based approaches let students discover knowledge rather than being presented with it. Pairs/small groups where each student peer teaches one concept, process, or method in their own words, and gets feedback from their peers. What is obsessive compulsive disorder? Have students find a historical artifact relevant to your course topic and do an analysis of it using a rubric. “flexible learning is an alternative to the face-to-face teaching model traditionally associated with higher education” Cybinski & Selvanathan (2005, p. 252) “FlexLearning is a course delivery strategy that allows student to have the option to take course either completely face-to-face, or completely I was really impressed with students’ thoughtful work on these assignments, and the students appreciated the chance to boost their final grade. In 2019, she edited a special issue of the journal Frontiers in Psychology called “Engaging Undergraduates in Publishable Research: Best Practices” (all 44 articles can be found online). Student feedback was positive and they concluded that although cheatsheets were a welcome adaptation for online exams, they weren’t necessary for in-class exams. Incremental learning should build toward increasing complexity. In 2009, she was named holder of the John H. Duncan chair, and enjoyed hosting Southwestern’s annual Brown Symposium (“Sex Talk: A Symposium With Benefits”) in 2013. Choose three key words or concepts from the material and define them. Create a visual collage/video around the material’s themes, and briefly describe your choices. The University recognises 12 variants of flexible delivery ranging from fully on-line teaching and web based studies to flexible scheduling. Flexibility can help you to respond to unexpected changes quickly, calmly and efficiently. Students could: Students create more personalized learning experiences by engaging with each other. 1. Many of these strategies transfer easily to a remote learning environment. The interview can be created with audio, a recorded video meeting, or via email. Guiding principles Learner-centered: Design courses that offer students flexible options to participate fully in the course. Have students find good/bad media examples and create a process for evaluating them. Avoid making assumptions about who will or will not have access to technology and internet resources. If you avoid flexible teaching, instead sticking to your lesson plan and rigidly enforcing the teaching you envisioned for the lesson, you might get out the information that you wanted to. Hybrid-Flexible (or Hyflex) Implementation Guide. Kids use it to find ways to solve … American Psychological Association. This lets them peer teach and highlights any topics that need to be reviewed by you. Flexible teaching and learning methods • The delivery mode is set using a combination of the “requirements of the subject and the needs of the individual learner.” • “Learning is individualized, collaboration is encouraged, and metacognitive goals are pursued.” In social psychology, students could watch up to three videos (including social psychologist interviews and/or Ted Talks) and write reflections. The communication of findings is a key part of this process. Two flexible delivery methods “flexible pathways” and “workplace learning” have been excluded from this Evaluation. Identify the main point, and arguments / evidence for and against it? Try letting them choose the specific path or topic they pursue. Students learn and remember new material when it’s presented in relation to things they already know (or think they know) about. Since starting at Southwestern, she’s published 30 journal articles with 68 student co-authors, and is especially proud that 25 of the 30 articles were first-authored by SU undergraduates. One of students’ most common complaints about being quarantined off campus was that they had no structure and lost track of assignments and due dates. This can be done via Zoom or video recordings. Used across disciplines, this approach helps students learn to do scholarship rather than absorb it. Address grading anxiety by … At Southwestern, she’s been honored to receive the Jesse E Purdy Excellence in Scholarly and Creative Works Award, the Outstanding Teaching Award (twice), the University Advising Award, and to be nominated for the Case U.S. We'd love to hear from you. Flexible learning strategies (FLS) have been applied by many governments and Civil Society Organizations in the Asia-Pacific region. Designate time within the weekly workload for students to discuss and collaborate on the group activity. List 10 key words from the material and write/record a summary based on these words. 3. Suggestions for adapting your course without sacrificing course standards. I allowed students to use five-page typed “cheatsheets” (approved by me first) during the exam. An overarching term for: non-formal education, accelerated learning, equivalency programmes, flexible schooling, alternative learning/education and complementary education, they can be developed at any level and respective subsector of education. Don’t reinvent the wheel, but make sure to address any differences between your perspective / knowledge and those presented in the external media. Reflect on how the dimensions of flexible learning could be applied in your context. Differentiated instruction is one of the most popular teaching strategies, which means that teachers adjust the curriculum for a lesson, unit or even entire term in a way that engages all learners in various ways, according to Chapter 2 of the book Instructional Process and Concepts in Theory and Practice by Celal Akdeniz. Having live “synchronous classes” if possible (e.g., via Zoom) with recordings for those who couldn’t attend: students said that they forgot or weren’t as motivated to watch asynchronous lectures, but “looked forward” to the live lectures, which provided much-needed normalcy and structure. 4. Have students pair up and peer review each step in a multi-step project for feedback and help (“workshop” each incremental step). Create a concept map connecting the new material to topics already covered in class. has value. While there is no cure for the disorder, there are treatments such as … The University of Saskatchewan offers these examples of assessment strategies that can work well in a remote teaching and learning environment. Use audio or video to record questions, interpretations, or to amplify the course material. I decided against completely “open book/open notes” exams because I thought students would lose their incentive to study at all. Typically, flexible strategies can be described as using ‘this’ to work out ‘that’. Flexible Grouping in the Higher Education March, 2008 2 Transformative Dialogues: Teaching & Learning Journal Volume 1, Issue 3 (Tomlinson, 1999). Good teaching comes not from following a recipe, but from consistently putting student needs first. 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